You Can’t Beat the Heat (But It’s Cold Out Now)

Wisconsin got the first snowfall of the season a few days ago – and already I can tell quite a few things have changed with the temperature and general color of nature.

I’m wishing for summer, not just for the usual reasons (sunshine, swimming, boating, and the lack of worrying weather my tiny car will get stuck in the snow). When I’m overheated, I could care less about eating. Give me a bunch of grapes and I’m good for hours. When I’m cold, I could clear out Subway’s bread cabinet in five seconds flat.

There’s all sorts of scientific mumbo jumbo about why this happens ( but I’m less concerned with the “why” than the “how do I stop myself from eating an entire pot of cheesy baked potato soup?” And it’s not just food – in the summer, a Captain and Diet Coke full of ice with the potential to water down my alcohol sounds great. Now? Give me a Bailey’s and coffee. Or a cup of hot chocolate laced with butterscotch Schnapps.

Anyone else’s local retail store start stocking Christmas items even before Halloween? Mine did. All that chocolate, cookies, almond bark, etc., have been calling to me for nearly a month now, and it’s still 37 days until Christmas (thanks for the reminder, Bebe ;)). I’m pretty sure this year the Season of Splurge might last for more than three months – Halloween turns into Thanksgiving turns into Christmas turns into my birthday. This is the time of year where I got derailed in a big way last year.

My strategery (hehe):
– find low-Point hot items like microwavable soup, Laughing Cow and olive oil grilled cheese, etc.
– drink coffee or sugar free apple cider throughout the day
– work out in the snow. Have you ever walked through ankle-high snow? It’s a schweaty, heart rate raising trek.
– avoid the holiday section of stores like an ex-boyfriend
– keep my eyes on the prize

As to that last item on the list – my sister Stacey and I are going to Las Vegas in January, and it would be soooooo much more awesome to be celebrating both my b-day and getting to goal in Sin City. Plus I want to be able to wear some smoking hot outfits worthy of Kim Kardashian while I’m there.

How do you banish the munchies when the thermometer dips?

3 thoughts on “You Can’t Beat the Heat (But It’s Cold Out Now)

  1. I’ve been struggling since mid October with WW and staying OP. Before when I was heavier I was able to eat a bite here and there and not count it and it didn’t matter because I’d still drop a pound but that isn’t the case anymore. I’m finding it real challenging and I don’t know how to get back on track. I’ve had so many social things going on including my birthday last week, celebration this week, and Thanksgiving next week that it is just plain hard. I’m hoping with the new program WW is rolling out I’ll be able to get back on track and do what I need to do to lose the last 15-20 lbs and then I can work on maintaining.

    Good luck to you. This is not an easy journey that’s for sure.

  2. Lisa, I’m so glad to see you are updating your blog. I always love the humor you have in your blog 🙂 Keep it up! I know you can get to Goal!

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